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Talk Together: What Floats? What Sinks?

Display a collection of balls. Have children predict which balls will float or sink.

Watch Together: “Doo Wop (short u)” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Doo Wop (short u).” Clarify that the singers use the letter sound /u/ to make music.  

Watch Together: “I Like It When It’s Mizzly” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “I Like It When It’s Mizzly.” Focus children on the weather in the poem.

Watch Together: “Making Rivers” #1 (PEEP live-action clip)

Play the PEEP and the Big Wide World video “Making Rivers.” Have children compare their water rivers activity to the children’s in the video.

Watch Together: “Making Things Float and Sink” #1 (PEEP live-action clip)

Play the PEEP and the Big Wide World video “Making Things Float and Sink.” Connect the video to children’s own explorations.

Watch Together: “Rocket-Doodle-Doo” #2 (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Rocket-Doodle-Doo.” Have children name the /r/ words in the video.

Watch Together: “Vowelles and Johnny Consonanti: ‘u’ from ‘up’” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Vowelles and Johnny Consonanti: ‘u’ from ‘up.’” Discuss how singers use the sound of the word up to make music.

Watch Together: “Word Morph: bananas–berries–butter” (BTL clip)

Play the video Between the Lions “Word Morph: bananas-berries-butter.” Have children offer other /b/ words.

Watch Together: “Word Morph: walnut–wave–wave” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions videoWord Morph: walnut-wave-wave.” Have children listen for the /w/ sounds.

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘d’” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Words Beginning with ‘d.’” Have children repeat the /d/ words.

Watch Together: “Wow” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Wow.” Have children think of other words that begin with the /w/ sound.

Word Play: Alliteration (/w/) #2

Have children generate alliterative sentences with the /w/ sound. Use the example We wonder why worms wiggle.

Word Play: Blending Sounds

Say the parts of some words slowly and have children put the word parts together.

Word Play: Guess My Word

Give children hints to play a guessing game about words from this unit about water.

Word Play: Guess My Word (/d/)

Give hints for children to guess the words that begin with the /d/ sound.

Word Play: Guess My Word (/w/)

Give children clues to guess the words that start with the /w/ sound.   

Word Play: Guess the Animal (/b/)

Give hints for children to guess the animals that begin with the /b/ sound.

Word Play: Jumping Syllables

Call out words from the week and have children jump once for each syllable in a word.

Word Play: Rhyme Time #2

Say three words from Who Sank the Boat? and have children guess which word does not rhyme with the other two.

Word Play: Rhyming Clothesline

Help children pair the rhyming picture cards and hang them on a clothesline.  

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