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Found 1869 results. Showing 45 of 94 pages.
Letter Sort (“Nn”)
Use the Letter Sort Routine to help children distinguish letter shapes and recognize the shape of the letter “Nn.”
Letter Sort (“Oo”) and (“Ss”)
Use the Letter Sort Routine to help children distinguish letter shapes and recognize the shape of the letters “Oo” and “Ss.”
Letter Sort (“Tt”)
Use the Letter Sort Routine to help children distinguish letter shapes and recognize the shape of the target letter, “Tt.”
Letter Sort (“Uu”)
Use the Letter Sort Routine to help children distinguish letter shapes and recognize the shape of the target letter, “Uu.”
Letter Sort “Vv”
Use the Letter Sort Routine to help children distinguish letter shapes and recognize the shape of the target letter, “Vv.”
Letter Sort (“Xx”)
Sort the letters, using the target letter “Xx” and other letters children have previously learned (Cc, Mm, Pp, Ss).
Letter Sort (“Yy”)
Spread magnetic letters on a cookie sheet and have children sort the letters by shape.
Library Card
Help children make their own library cards.
Light Show
Go outside and explore light on a sunny day. Play shadow games and explore what happens when light passes through colored water.
Listening and Watching
Watch the Between the Lions video “Opposite Bunny: yummy/yucky.” Discuss opposites with children.
Listening Pictures
Children draw a portrait of themselves listening to a sound and draw the object that is the source of the sound.
Listening Station
Set up a listening station in your home where your child can listen to different types of music.
Listening to Sounds #1
Play a video of children making sounds and have children recreate the sounds using different materials.
Listening Walk
Invite children to build their own “Listening Walk” by creating a pathway with blocks and placing sound cards along the path.
Living Under Water
Help your child learn about animals that live in or around water by looking at pictures and imagining life under water.
Look in the Mirror
A mirror is a great way to talk about what your toddler sees, make silly faces, and name things!
Loud and Quiet Book
Have children make their own books about things that are loud and things that are quiet. Children will share their book with the class on Day 5.
Loud, Medium, Quiet Sounds
Have children continue exploring making sounds with their shakers. Have children make loud, medium, and quiet sounds and have them explain how they made those sounds.
Make a Book about Mixing Colors
Invite children to make up stories about people or make-believe animals mixing paint.
Make a Book About Seeds
Have children draw pictures and dictate the steps of planting seeds to make their own information books. Display completed books in the Library Center.