
Found 1687 results. Showing 47 of 85 pages.

Play Together: “Color Hokey Pokey”

Have children play a game and dance about colors.

Play Together: Colorful Chairs

Play musical chairs and have children name the color circle on their chair. 

Play Together: “Dub Cubs” #1 (BTL game)

Play the computer rhyming game Between The Lions “Dub Cubs.”

Play Together: “Fish Swish” #1 (PEEP game)

Children play the Peep and the Big Wide World interactive game “Fish Swish” and count how many balloons Quack needs for his friends.

Play Together: Flower, Fruit, Vegetable

Play a game of Duck, Duck Goose, but change the words to Flower, Fruit, Vegetable.

Play Together: “Flower Power” #1 (PEEP game)

Guide children on how to play the interactive game about sharing flowers.

Play Together: Growing Seeds

Play soft music and have children act out moving like a plant as it grows.

Play Together: Huff and Puff Tag

Play this game of tag and have “the wolf” chase after the little pigs. The game ends when all the little pigs have been tagged.

Play Together: I Have a New Friend Toss

Toss a stuffed animal around in a circle while singing a chant about new friends.

Play Together: Laundry Hat Toss

Have children find hats that go in the laundry and absorb water. Allow them to toss the hats into a laundry basket.

Play Together: Match the Tool

Point to a tool in Tap Tap Bang Bang and call out a child’s name. Have that child find the tool that matches the picture and act out using the tool.  

Play Together: Musical Alphabet Chairs

Stop the music to signal children to sit on a chair. Ask each child to identify the letter on his or her chair.

Play Together: Over, Under, Around, and Through

Play the game to build children’s vocabulary to discuss moving water.  

Play Together: “Paint Splat” #1 (PEEP game)

Have children play an interactive online game and mix paints to match colors.

Play Together: Pig, Pig, Wolf!

Play the game “Duck, Duck, Goose” using words pig and wolf.  

Play Together: “Quack’s Apples” #1 (PEEP game)

Join small groups of children at the Technology Center to have them take turns in helping Quack roll apples down the hill and into the pond.

Play Together: “Red Light! Green Light!”

Discuss traffic lights and play a game allowing children to "stop" on red and "go" on green. 

Play Together: Roll, Roll, Slide!

Have children follow directions as they play the game “Roll, Roll, Slide!” using a block and a ramp.  

Play Together: Samantha Says (“Hh”)

Play “Simon Says.” as children repeat an action only when they hear a word beginning with the letter /h/ sound.

Play Together: Say It with Dance

Show children pictures of faces showing different emotions.  Ask children to move in a way that shows that emotion.

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