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Found 1793 results. Showing 49 of 90 pages.

Play Together: “Paint Splat” #1 (PEEP game)

Have children play an interactive online game and mix paints to match colors.

Play Together: Pig, Pig, Wolf!

Play the game “Duck, Duck, Goose” using words pig and wolf.  

Play Together: “Quack’s Apples” #1 (PEEP game)

Join small groups of children at the Technology Center to have them take turns in helping Quack roll apples down the hill and into the pond.

Play Together: “Red Light! Green Light!”

Discuss traffic lights and play a game allowing children to "stop" on red and "go" on green. 

Play Together: Roll, Roll, Slide!

Have children follow directions as they play the game “Roll, Roll, Slide!” using a block and a ramp.  

Play Together: Samantha Says (“Hh”)

Play “Simon Says.” as children repeat an action only when they hear a word beginning with the letter /h/ sound.

Play Together: Say It with Dance

Show children pictures of faces showing different emotions.  Ask children to move in a way that shows that emotion.

Play Together: Seed, Seed, Sprout!

Follow the rules for the game “Duck, Duck, Goose” but change the words to “Seed, Seed, Sprout.”

Play Together: “Show Us What Your Instrument Can Do”

Gather children with their rubber-band instruments. Sing the song, “Show Us What Your Instrument Can Do”
 and have children demonstrate making sounds.

Play Together: Sink or Float Musical Chairs

Stop the music and have children sit on a chair. Have them grab a ball from under their chair and test whether it will sink or float.

Play Together: Sound Detectives

Give children the opportunity to become “sound detectives” by having guess what object makes a sound they hear.

Play Together: “The Cook in the Kitchen”

Sing the song “The Cook in the Kitchen” as children play the game and become ingredients in the bee-bim bop.  

Play Together: Train Time

Have groups act out different characters (trains) from The Little Engine That Could. Find a hill or a low ramp to use as the mountain.

Play Together: Volume Control

Play a game with children where they raise and lower the volume of their voices. Use cardboard remote controls to adjust others’ volumes.

Play Together: Who Took the Potato?

Play this adaptation of “Doggie, Doggie, Your Bone is Gone” to help children build listening skills.

Play Together: “X” Marks the Spot

Have children play the letter card game to get to the “X” spot.

Play Write

Make writing part of your toddler’s pretend games, from make-believe shopping lists to party invitations.

Poetry in Motion

Nursery rhymes and poetry for little ones offer rich language, new words, and patterns of language.

Pop-Up Plants

Invite children to make a pop-up flower. Encourage children to tell a story about their plant as it “grows.” 

Preparing Dinner

Invite children to make their own version of bee-bim-bop to serve for dinner. Instruct them on how to set a table to serve the meal.

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