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Found 129 results. Showing 5 of 7 pages.

Explore Together (indoors): The Huff and Puff Test

Build straw, stick, and brick houses and try to blow them over. Encourage children to document their observations by drawing, writing, or dictating to you.

Explore Together (indoors): Using Building Materials

Allow children to freely explore the building materials. Invite them to make different structures they have learned about.  

Explore Together (indoors): Vary the Obstacles

Children continue to explore ramps and objects that can be obstacles. Have children experiment with using different objects to use as obstacles.

Explore Together (indoors): Vary the Steepness

Have children figure out what they need to do to the steepness of a ramp to make a ball knock over an obstacle.

Explore Together (indoors): Voice Pitch

Children explore the concept of pitch using their voices. Have them say and listen to high and low sounds, and record them on a chart.

Explore Together (indoors): Voice Volume

Have children focus on exploring volume and timbre with their voices, and then create patterns of sounds for others to repeat.

Explore Together (indoors): Walls and Roofs

Have children work in small groups to freely explore materials as they build different parts of a house.

Explore Together (indoors): Water Tools: Introduce Tubing

Have children continue to explore moving water. Add plastic tubing to the set of materials that children can use to move water.  

Explore Together: Map Colors

Review how different colors communicate different things to children as they make a neighborhood map.

Explore Together (outdoors): Measuring Up

Have children check and measure their sprouts. Then observe and measure the plants they repotted outside.

Explore Together (outdoors): Sort the Travelers

Have children sort seeds by how they travel.   

Float and Sink Art

Have children choose some objects to test whether they float or sink. Glue the floating items on one part of a paper plate, and the sinking items on another.

Hammering Time

Have children practice some building skills. Demonstrate how to hammer golf tees into foam pieces and how to twist a screw into a bar of soap.

How Much Water?

Have children count how many little cups it takes to fill a bigger cup of water.

Listening to Sounds #1

Play a video of children making sounds and have children recreate the sounds using different materials.

Loud, Medium, Quiet Sounds

Have children continue exploring making sounds with their shakers. Have children make loud, medium, and quiet sounds and have them explain how they made those sounds.

Make Adobe Bricks

Have children follow directions on how to make an adobe brick.

Marble Painting

Have children roll marbles that are covered in paint inside a covered box to create a painting and observe how colors mix.

Matching Game

Have children match pictures of baby animals to the animals’ mothers.

Materials Sort

Have children place objects in the correct category: materials that are good for building a house and materials that are not good for building a house.

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