
Found 1687 results. Showing 58 of 85 pages.

Review the Week Together: Unit 6, Week 2

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review towers and building strong structures, “Tt,” /t/, and tool.

Review the Week Together: Unit 6, Week 3

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review measuring tools, size, and bridges, “Xx,” /x/, /ks/, and x-ray.

Review the Week Together: Unit 7, Week 1

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week. 

Review the Week Together: Unit 7, Week 2

Say some words and have children repeat back the /g/ sound at the beginning of the words.

Review the Week Together: Unit 7, Week 3

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review plant parts, and measuring plants, “Kk,” /k/, and kitchen.

Review the Week Together: Unit 7, Week 4

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review plant needs, underground environments, and gardening, “Ww,” /w/, and worms.

Review the Week Together: Unit 8, Week 1

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review plant parts, edible plants, and taste, “Ff,” /f/, and farm.

Review the Week Together, Unit 8, Week 2

Revisit children’s charts, drawings, and pictures from the week.  Review leaf and root vegetables, letter and letter sound /v/, and the word vegetable.

Review the Week Together: Unit 8, Week 3

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review seeds, seed travel, and grocery stores, “Aa,” /a/, and apple.

Review the Week Together: Unit 9, Week 1

Revisit the charts, tools, and children’s pictures from the week. Review “Ww,” the letter sound /w/, and the word water.

Review the Week Together: Unit 9, Week 2

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review pools, waterways, and dams, “Dd,” “Rr,” /d/, /r/, dam, and river.

Review the Week Together: Unit 9, Week 3

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review floating, sinking, balance, and boats, “Bb,” /b/, and boat.

Review the Week Together: Unit 9, Week 4

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review absorb, evaporation, water drops and drips, “Uu,” /u/, and up.

Rhyme Time

Children play a rhyme match card game by turning over cards and “reading” the illustration or text and finding a card that rhymes.

River Dance

Invite children to imagine they are the water in a river. Have children dance to the music, using scarves or paper ribbons to represent flowing water.

River Mural

Have children make a group mural with a variety of art media about the bears’ ride on the river.

Road Obstacles

Have children construct a long winding highway. Challenge them to include various obstacles that the cars and trucks must go around.

Road Signs

Have children build roads using blocks and display toy street signs to talk about how colors can communicate messages.

Road Tunnels

Invite children to build a road and tunnels structure. Explain that some roads go through tunnels sometimes so the roads can go underwater.

Role Play “It’s Red! It’s Green!”

Invite children to act out the African folktale featured in the video Between the Lions “It’s Red! It’s Green!”

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