
Found 1687 results. Showing 64 of 85 pages.

Talk Together: Bulbs

Introduce bulbs. Explore an onion bulb and an onion.

Talk Together: Changing Our Voices

Discuss how everyone's voice has a different sound. Have children record their names and listen to the voice differences.

Talk Together: Color and Light

Discuss colors and the idea that light changes the appearance of a color. 

Talk Together: Color Balloons

Introduce and talk about the color brown.

Talk Together: Color Detective (green)

Introduce the color green and have children find green objects around the room.

Talk Together: Color Detective (red)

Introduce the color red and shades of red as you have children find red objects.

Talk Together: Color Review

Review the color exploration from the week.

Talk Together: Color Words

Discuss shades of yellow and words used to name shades of yellow. 

Talk Together: Community Gardens

Define “community” and talk about community gardens with children. 

Talk Together: Comparing Plants

Have children compare different plants and flowers by using their senses.

Talk Together: Dams

Talk about dams and what happens when they put things in water to block its flow.

Talk Together: Different Materials

Review the materials the three pigs used to build their house. Discuss that materials people use to build things depend on where they live in the world.

Talk Together: Different Sounds

Ask children to name sounds they heard on their way home yesterday and talk about why children heard different sounds.

Talk Together: Down the Ramp

Introduce the concept of inclined planes by constructing a ramp. Have children predict how objects will move down the ramp.

Talk Together: Drip Drop

Gather children around the faucet and have them describe how the drops form as water drips from the faucet.

Talk Together: Edible Sprouts

Pass around salad sprouts and have children explore and describe them.

Talk Together: Even Steeper

Review with children what happens when they increase the steepness of a ramp. Guide the discussion with photographs or videos taken during the week.

Talk Together: Exploring Sound

Have children discuss making sounds with shakers. Help them make connections between their explorations and the book What Is a Scientist?

Talk Together: Exploring Sounds

Play some of the recordings of children exploring sounds with their rubber band instruments. Ask children to describe the sounds using descriptive words.

Talk Together: Exploring Surfaces and Sounds

Review children’s previous explorations of different surfaces and the different sounds they make.  Talk about texture and prepare children for an outdoor exploration of surfaces.

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