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Found 515 results. Showing 8 of 26 pages.

Play Together: “Paint Splat” #1 (PEEP game)

Have children play an interactive online game and mix paints to match colors.

Play Together: Pig, Pig, Wolf!

Play the game “Duck, Duck, Goose” using words pig and wolf.  

Play Together: “Quack’s Apples” #1 (PEEP game)

Join small groups of children at the Technology Center to have them take turns in helping Quack roll apples down the hill and into the pond.

Play Together: “Red Light! Green Light!”

Discuss traffic lights and play a game allowing children to "stop" on red and "go" on green. 

Play Together: Roll, Roll, Slide!

Have children follow directions as they play the game “Roll, Roll, Slide!” using a block and a ramp.  

Play Together: Seed, Seed, Sprout!

Follow the rules for the game “Duck, Duck, Goose” but change the words to “Seed, Seed, Sprout.”

Play Together: Sink or Float Musical Chairs

Stop the music and have children sit on a chair. Have them grab a ball from under their chair and test whether it will sink or float.

Play Together: “The Cook in the Kitchen”

Sing the song “The Cook in the Kitchen” as children play the game and become ingredients in the bee-bim bop.  

Play Together: Train Time

Have groups act out different characters (trains) from The Little Engine That Could. Find a hill or a low ramp to use as the mountain.

Play Together: Volume Control

Play a game with children where they raise and lower the volume of their voices. Use cardboard remote controls to adjust others’ volumes.

Play Together: Who Took the Potato?

Play this adaptation of “Doggie, Doggie, Your Bone is Gone” to help children build listening skills.

Play Together: “X” Marks the Spot

Have children play the letter card game to get to the “X” spot.

Read About Feelings

Read books to toddlers that capture feelings and worries. Use the stories as opportunities to talk with toddlers about their own experiences and feelings.  

Read Together: A Cool Drink of Water #1

Review how all living things need water and then read the book with children.

Read Together: A Cool Drink of Water #2

Reread the book and have children look for the different objects people use to make water move.

Read Together: A Fruit Is a Suitcase for Seeds #1

Read the book, comparing a fruit to a suitcase. Have children notice all “fruit suitcases.”

Read Together: A Fruit Is a Suitcase for Seeds #2

Reread the story and focus children on different ways a seed can travel from one place to another.

Read Together: Abiyoyo #2

Reread Abiyoyo by Pete Seeger and have children make connections to their own lives.

Read Together: Alphabet Under Construction #2

Reread the book and have children create their own alphabet charts with letters they cut from magazines.

Read Together: Bee-bim Bop!

Discuss how different countries and families have their own special recipes. Read the story and have children notice all the foods in the bee-bim bop.

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