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Watch Together: “Yellow” #2 (BTL clip)

Watch a Between the Lions video about a poem called “Yellow,” focusing on clapping syllables.

Watch Together: “You Never Hear the Garden Grow” #1 (BTL clip)

Play the video Between the Lions “You Never Hear the Garden Grow.” Focus children on plant parts and how plants grow.

Watch Together: “You Never Hear the Garden Grow” (BTL clip) #2

Play the Between the Lions video “You Never Hear the Garden Grow.” Have children act out the movements.

Water Tools

Leave the water table set up with the water tools throughout the week so children can continue their explorations with the tools.

Water, Water, Everywhere

Let babies explore water. Join in as they explore and help them build their science vocabulary by giving them words to describe their actions.


Help children construct a set of ramps to explore how water travels along slanted inclines. Encourage them to place different obstacles along the waterways. 

We All Use Water

Have children draw pictures showing their favorite ways of using water. Help them dictate or write short descriptions about their drawings.

We Use Water

Have children make a drawing showing how water flows.

Wet and Dry Clothes

Children wash doll clothes—some hang wet clothes on the clothesline and others place their doll clothes in plastic bags. Revisit the cloths to see which cloths are still wet and which ones are dry.

Wet and Dry Sand

Make sandcastles with dry sand and wet sand to demonstrate how water sticks to pieces of sand.

What Happens If . . .

With a few pans or buckets, your toddler-scientist can experiment and explore!

What’s That Sound?

Your baby likes to hear a variety of sounds, and he will be amazed to discover that he can also make sounds happen.

What’s That Sound? #1

Play recordings of children making sounds during the week and encourage them to paint the sources of the sound.

“What’s Your Name? (/u/)” #2 (BTL clip)

Encourage active viewing as children watch the video Between the Lions “What’s Your Name? (/u/).” Have children clap, sing, and repeat the names that have a /u/ sound.

"Where’s Quack?" #1 (PEEP game)

Model how to play the PEEP interactive online game “Where’s Quack?” As children play, ask questions that can further their exploration of sound-related concepts.

"Where’s Quack?" #2 (PEEP game)

Model how to play the game “Where’s Quack?” Ask children how the game is similar to when they went outdoors to find animal sounds.

“Which Fish?” (PEEP game)

Invite children to play the PEEP and the Big Wide World interactive game, “Which Fish?” Help children extend the patterns of fish.

Will It Fall Down?

Create structures out of different materials. Have children predict and record which houses they think will fall if they try to blow the house down.

Winter Scene

 Invite children to use the materials to create their own winter scenes.

Word Play: “A Seed Is Planted” Rhyme

Recite the poem “A Seed Is Planted” and have children identify words that rhyme.  

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