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Found 270 results. Showing 9 of 14 pages.

Greeting Song: “Who’s on the Hill?” #1

Children pretend they are on a hill and "searching" for other children with make-believe binoculars as you sing the greeting song. 

Greeting Song: “Who’s on the Hill?” #2

Have children recognize their name as others chant the name and cheer “Hooray!” for each child.

Greeting Song: “Who’s on the Hill?” #3

Clap out the parts of children’s names as you recite the chant. Repeat until each child’s name has been recited.

Greeting Song: “Will You Meet a Friend of Mine?” #1

Sing the greeting song and signal to one child and have the whole class greet him or her. 

Greeting Song: “Will You Meet a Friend of Mine?” #2

Hold up a name card in the last line of the greeting song "Will You Be A Friend Of Mine" and have everyone greet that child. 

Greeting Song: “Will You Meet a Friend of Mine?” #3

Sing the greeting song. Clap once for each word in the last sentence. Repeat until each child’s name is included.

Greeting Song: “Will You Meet a Friend of Mine?” #4

Sing the greeting song as children act out the motions of going up and down the ramp. 

Greeting Song: “Will You Meet a Friend of Mine?” #5

Have children discuss and choose how they would like to sing the greeting song.

Greeting Song: “Yes, I Can!” #1

Turn to one child at at time and ask, What can you do? Then have the group sing about that action.

Greeting Song: “Yes, I Can!” #2

Hold up a name card and sing a verse of that child’s action. Repeat for each child.

Join the Band #1

Invite children to form their own band, like Violet in the book Violet’s Music.  Encourage children to name and talk about the different musical instruments.

Join the Band

Invite children to form their own band, like Lionel and Leona’s rooftop band.  Encourage children to name and talk about the different musical instruments.

Join the Band #3

Invite children to sing, dance, and play along with recordings of children’s songs.  Encourage children to name and talk about the different musical instruments in their band.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Beginning Sound (/i/)

Ask children to get up and dance when they hear words that begin with the /i/ sound. Let children lead the game and include new words.

Learn About Letters Together: “Here We Go Round the Alphabet”

Sing “Here We Go Round the Alphabet” and have children walk around a circle of the alphabet letters. 

Listening Station

Set up a listening station in your home where your child can listen to different types of music.

Make Colorful Castanets

Help children create and play castanets.

Move to the Groove

Music is a great way to get your baby moving and sets the stage for later fitness.

Music Around the World

Listen to music from around the world together. Help your child compare the music to his favorite music or song.

Music Makers

Hum, sing, whistle—what other ways can you make music? Try simple, homemade instruments, too!

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