
Found 1869 results. Showing 90 of 94 pages.

Word Play: Finish the Rhyme

Have children make different sounds as they complete a rhyming chant. 

Word Play: Fish for x-r-a-y

Invite children to fish for and arrange letters to spell x-ray.

Word Play: Gardening in My Garden

Help children understand how some words can be used in different ways by completing sentences.

Word Play: Guess My Word

Give children hints to play a guessing game about words from this unit about water.

Word Play: Guess My Word (/d/)

Give hints for children to guess the words that begin with the /d/ sound.

Word Play: Guess My Word (/r/)

Play a guessing game with children to help them review the beginning /r/ sound. Describe something that starts with the /r/ sound and have children guess what it is.

Word Play: Guess My Word (/w/)

Give children clues to guess the words that start with the /w/ sound.   

Word Play: Guess the Animal

Play a guessing game with children to help them review the letter sound /h/. Give children clues to help them guess the name of the animal.

Word Play: Guess the Animal (/b/)

Give hints for children to guess the animals that begin with the /b/ sound.

Word Play: Hopping Syllables #1

Have children hop for each part of a flower name.

Word Play: Hopping Syllables #2

Have children hop for each syllable they hear in various words.

Word Play: I’m Thinking of a Word #1

Play the guessing game with children to help them hear and identify the beginning letter sound /f/.

Word Play: I’m Thinking of a Word #2

Play a guessing game with children to help them hear and identify the /a/ sound in the beginning of words.

Word Play: Jumping Syllables

Call out words from the week and have children jump once for each syllable in a word.

Word Play: Letter (“Bb”) Bounce

Make the letter “Bb” on the floor with chalk or tape. Have children follow the letter shape and bounce along the letter “Bb.”   

Word Play: Letter ("S") Pictures

Use pictures to help children identify the letter “Ss.”

Word Play: Letter (“V”) Dance

Draw a large letter “V” on the ground and have children march along the letter.

Word Play: Listening Game

Introduce alliteration as children listen to words the same beginning sounds.

Word Play: Make a Word

Have children match letters to the target word cards and help them to read the words. 

Word Play: Match Colors and Words

Help children match printed names of the color to their corresponding color circles.

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