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Found 16 results.

Draw and Write Together: Make a Graph #1

Have children add to the graphs that show how their plants grow over time.

Talk Together: Measuring Tools

Open a discussion about measuring tools and how you measure things to tell their size.

Talk Together: Measuring

Challenge children to think of ways they can use materials to measure their plants.

Draw and Write Together: Make a Graph #2

Make a graph of children’s results from the measuring activity.

Draw and Write Together: Updating Our Science Notebooks

Have children draw a picture in their science notebooks and dictate an entry to go with the picture.

Read Together: Tap Tap Bang Bang #1

Have children compare the tools in the book to the tools in Building a House.

Talk Together: Building to Fit

Discuss how things are built to size. Use toys as examples.

Talk Together: Plant Review

Review what children learned about plants. Have children share a page in their science notebooks.

Play Together: Match the Tool

Point to a tool in Tap Tap Bang Bang and call out a child’s name. Have that child find the tool that matches the picture and act out using the tool.  

Talk Together: Building to Size and Purpose

Have children share a structure they built. Discuss their buildings’ different sizes and purposes.

Talk Together: Plants and Roots

Continue to discuss plants, including trees and roots.

Recite Together: “Big and Small”

Recite the poem and have children act out the motions.

Talk Together: Making Obstacles

Discuss the weight and texture of different materials. Help children think about how they might use them in their obstacle course explorations.

Read Together: Alphabet Under Construction #2

Reread the book and have children create their own alphabet charts with letters they cut from magazines.

Read Together: Is It Red? Is It Yellow? Is It Blue? #2

Read a book about colors and focus on the color yellow.

Explore Together (indoors): Our Growing Seeds and Bulbs

Have children observe their growing plants. Instruct them to use their science notebooks to draw their plants.

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