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  • 0-3 Years

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  • 0-3 Years



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Development Level

  • 0-8 Months
  • 6-15 Months



Found 7 results.

Baby Treasure Box

Help your baby discover the magic in everyday objects.

Captain Baby

Help your baby see the world from a new perspective when you play “airplane.” Ready, set, take off!

Hide and Seek

Play hide-and-seek games with babies to help them learn that things and people exist even when they can’t be seen.

In the Mirror

Give a baby a mirror and join him in the fun. Make silly faces, clap to a tune, point out body parts, or watch as he babbles to his new “friend.”

Let’s Laugh

Ask family members to share what makes their baby laugh. Make a book of “laughing baby” ideas and share it with families and colleagues.

Play and Explore

Guide a baby’s exploration—or just follow her lead—as she learns about her world with her eyes, ears, hands, mouths, and actions.

Tummy Time

Get down on your baby’s level and enjoy fun times stretching, reaching, listening, and looking.

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