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Found 29 results. Showing 1 of 2 pages.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Bag of Sounds (/i/)

Ask children to pull out an object from a bag filled with objects beginning with the /i/ sound. Have children name the object emphasizing the /i/ sound.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Bag of Sounds (/l/)

Play a sound game to help children listen for and recognize the /l/ sound in the beginning of familiar words.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Bag of Sounds (/m/)

Show children a bag filled with objects that begin with the /m/ sound. Ask children to pull an object from the bag and name it.

Learn About Letters Together: Letters in Our Names (“Ii”) #2

Use the Letters in Our Names Routine to help children recognize the letter “Ii” in their names.

Learn About Letters Together: Letters in Our Names (“Mm”)

Use the Letters in Our Names Routine to help children recognize the letter “Mm” in their names.

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Ii”)

Use the Sandpaper Writing Routine to help children recognize and begin to “write” the letter “Ii.”

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Jj”)

Use the Sandpaper Writing Routine to help children recognize and begin to “write” the letter “Jj.”

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Ll”)

Use the Sandpaper Writing Routine to help children begin to recognize and to “write” the letter “Ll.”

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Mm”)

Use the Sandpaper Writing Routine to help children begin to “write” the letter “Mm.” 

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Mm”) and Word (music) #1

Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Mm” and the word music.

Play Together: Say It with Dance

Show children pictures of faces showing different emotions.  Ask children to move in a way that shows that emotion.

Play Together: “Show Us What Your Instrument Can Do”

Gather children with their rubber-band instruments. Sing the song, “Show Us What Your Instrument Can Do”
 and have children demonstrate making sounds.

Recite Together: “Jazz Baby, Jazz Baby” #2

Reread the poem “Jazz Baby, Jazz Baby.” Divide children into groups: have one group recite through a tube, and others do the action.

Recite Together: “Violet in the Crib”

Recite the poem “Violet in the Crib” two or three times aloud while stressing the rhythm and the sound words. 

Talk Together: Exploring Sounds

Play some of the recordings of children exploring sounds with their rubber band instruments. Ask children to describe the sounds using descriptive words.

Talk Together: Exploring Surfaces and Sounds

Review children’s previous explorations of different surfaces and the different sounds they make.  Talk about texture and prepare children for an outdoor exploration of surfaces.

Talk Together: Make that Sound

Discuss all the sounds children have heard over the past weeks.  Help them recall the sounds and demonstrate some of them.

Talk Together: Making Music

Introduce the idea of making music to children by playing a favorite musical recording. Talk with children about what they like about the music.

Talk Together: More Rubber Band Music

Gather children around the materials and invite them to talk about and demonstrate some of the observations they made while exploring making sounds with rubber bands.

Talk Together: Move to Music

Talk about some of the music the children have been listening to together. Play some music and invite children to move to the music.

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