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Found 11 results.

Abiyoyo Puppets

Help children make their own Abiyoyo puppets. Model how to draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth on a small paper bag or paper plate.

Class Band T-shirt

Invite children to make suggestions for a band name.  Have them dictate their suggestion and write it on a construction paper t-shirt.  Have children decorate the shirt.

Draw and Write Together: Abiyoyo the Giant

Have children dictate or write words that describe how they think the giant Abiyoyo sounds when he sings, talks, or walks.

Draw and Write Together: Noisy and Quiet

Talk about noisy places and quiet places.  Have children draw themselves in one of these places and help them write a sentence for the drawing.

Explore Together (indoors): Music Mural #1

Play a piece of music and ask children to paint how they feel.  Turn the volume up and down as they paint.

Explore Together (indoors): Music Mural #2

Play a piece of music that contrasts the previous day’s piece.  Have children repeat the exercise of painting how they feel.

Feel the Music

Play a piece of music and have children talk about how the music makes them feel.  Ask them to draw how they feel.

I Like to Make Music

Have children draw some of the ways they like to make music.  Have children dictate a sentence to include at the bottom of the picture.

Loud and Quiet Book

Have children make their own books about things that are loud and things that are quiet.  Children will share their book with the class on Day 5.

Musical Murals

Play different types of music and have children paint to the music.  Display the paintings and the names of the artists.

What’s That Sound? #1

Play recordings of children making sounds during the week and encourage them to paint the sources of the sound.

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