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Found 25 results. Showing 1 of 2 pages.

Bear Snores On #1

Read aloud Bears Snores On by Karma Wilson to children. Focus on the sounds in the story, and talk about the sounds animals make.

Read Together: Alphabet Under Construction #1

Comment on the different tools used to construct the letters of the alphabet in the story.

Read Together: City Lullaby #1

Read a story full of sounds you hear in the city and ask children to repeat some of the city sounds they hear in the book.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 1, Week 2, #1

Choose a favorite book and read to the children.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 4, Week 3

Reread one of the books, watch the video “What Instrument Does Alvin Play?,” or select a book from the recommended list focusing on the various sounds.

Read Together: Is It Red? Is It Yellow? Is It Blue? #1

Have children match colors dots on a page to colors in a photograph.

Read Together: Kitchen Dance #1

Read Kitchen Dance by Maurice Manning and focus on the various sound words as well as the movement words. Have children act out some of the movements.

Read Together: Kitchen Dance #2

Reread Kitchen Dance by Maurice Manning, playing tango music softly in the background to set the mood.  Act out the action words and have children join.

Read Together: Knuffle Bunny Too #2

Read a story about friends and the emotions they share.

Read Together: Lola at the Library #1

Read a book about a girl who loves going to the library.

Read Together: Mama Zooms #1

Read the book Mama Zooms. Discuss with children how some people cannot walk and that a wheelchair helps them move around and go places.

Read Together: Mama Zooms #2

Reread Mama Zooms with lots of expression and have children act out the motions in the book. 

Read Together: Mouse Paint #1

Read a book about three mice that mix different colors with their feet.

Read Together: Night in the Country #1

Read a book about nighttime sounds in the country using a quiet, soft, soothing tone. Ask children to imagine the sounds and act them out.

Read Together: Oscar and the Bat: A Book About Sound #1

Read aloud Oscar and the Bat: A Book About Sound by Geoff Waring and have children listen to the different sounds in the story.

Read Together: Oscar and the Bat: A Book About Sound #3

Read aloud Oscar and the Bat: A Book About Sound by Geoff Waring and review what children have learned about sound.

Read Together: Roll, Slope, Slide: A Book About Ramps #2

Read Roll, Slope, Slide: A Book About Ramps and have children point out how ramps make some things easier to do.

Read Together: Row, Row, Row Your Boat #1

Read the story, focusing on words children might use in their explorations during the week.

Read Together: Row, Row, Row Your Boat #2

Reread the book. Point out the beavers building a dam.

Read Together: Samantha on a Roll #1

Read slowly and with expressions so children can enjoy the rhythm of the words as Samantha rolls in and out of different situations.

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