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  • 3-5 Years


Found 7 results.

“ABCD Watermelon” #1 (BTL game)

Children play Between the Lions “ABCD Watermelon”, an interactive game that asks them to choose what letter comes next.

Fish for Letters (down)

Display the down word card and identify the letters in the word. Let children take turns fishing for the letters in down.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Bag of Sounds (/l/)

Play a sound game to help children listen for and recognize the /l/ sound in the beginning of familiar words.

Play Together: “ABCD Watermelon” (BTL game)

Play a game matching letters of the alphabet.

Word Play: Guess the Animal

Play a guessing game with children to help them review the letter sound /h/. Give children clues to help them guess the name of the animal.

Word Play: Simon Says: /s/

Play Simon Says using words that begin with the /s/ sound.

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear: (/q/ and /n/)

Do the word play “Tell Me What You Hear” to have children listen for words that begin with the /q/ and /n/ sounds. 

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