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Found 8 results.

Watch Together: “Doo Wop (short u)” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Doo Wop (short u).” Clarify that the singers use the letter sound /u/ to make music.  

Watch Together: “Fred Says: rocket” (BTL clip)

Watch a Between the Lions video about the word “rocket” and focus on the letter "r."

Watch Together: “Vowelles and Johnny Consonanti: ‘u’ from ‘up’” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Vowelles and Johnny Consonanti: ‘u’ from ‘up.’” Discuss how singers use the sound of the word up to make music.

Watch Together: “What’s Your Name? (e)” (BTL clip)

Play the video clip Between the Lions “What’s Your Name?” Have children look for the letter “Ee” on the screen.

Watch Together: “Word Morph: sun–salt–sock–soap” (BTL clip)

Watch a Between the Lions video clip about the letter “Ss.” 

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘d’” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Words Beginning with ‘d.’” Have children repeat the /d/ words.

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘t’” (BTL clip)

Play the video Between The Lions “Words Beginning with ‘t’.” Have children identify the instruments that begin with the letter "t."

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘v’” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Words Beginning with ‘v.’” Have children repeat the /v/ words. 

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