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  • 3-5 Years


  • Houses & Homes



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  • 20-30


Development Level

  • 3-5 Years



Found 6 results.

Animal Homes

Explore the different types of homes animals live in. Then help your child plan and build a house for a favorite animal.

Explore Together (indoors): Build-a-House

Provide the different materials children have used while exploring buildings this week. Allow free exploration and have children use the materials to build a house.

Explore Together (indoors): Free Building

Have children continue building towers. Encourage them to explore using the materials in new ways.

Explore Together (indoors): Using Building Materials

Allow children to freely explore the building materials. Invite them to make different structures they have learned about.  

Explore Together (indoors): Walls and Roofs

Have children work in small groups to freely explore materials as they build different parts of a house.

Neighborhood Houses and Buildings

Take a walk with your child and talk about different shapes, textures, and materials you notice on the houses and buildings.

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