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  • 3-5 Years


  • Plants



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  • 10-20


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Found 5 results.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #3

Sing the greeting song and hold up a name card as children “grow” like a plant. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Good Morning” #4

Sing the greeting song and hold up a name card for each child to recognize his or her name. 

Sing Together: “Dig the Earth”

Sing the song about things plants need to grow.

Sing Together: “I’m a Little Brown Seed” #2

Discuss patience and how long it takes for plants to grow. Sing the song and act out the motions.

Watch Together: “You Never Hear the Garden Grow” #1 (BTL clip)

Play the video Between the Lions “You Never Hear the Garden Grow.” Focus children on plant parts and how plants grow.

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