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  • 3-5 Years


  • Ramps & Rolling


  • Arts
  • Letters & Letter Sounds


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Found 6 results.

Dots of "D"

Give each child a letter “D” cutout and have them decorate it with various art materials.

Learn About Letters Together: Decorate Letter (“Hh”)

Children trace and decorate uppercase letter “H” with pictures of words that begin with the letter /h/ sound.

Learn About Letters Together: Decorate Letter (“Uu”)

Have children decorate a cutout "U" and then have a "U" parade around the room. 

Learn About Letters Together: “Ee” Mobiles

Have children trace the outline of the letter “E” and decorate it with drawings, pictures, or stickers of “Ee” objects. Hang the mobiles around the room.  

Learn About Letters Together: Letter Shape (“Uu”)

Have children practice tracing the letter "Uu."

Letter Shape (“Uu”)

Shape pipe cleaners or roll “snakes” from strips of clay to form the letter “Uu.” Have children use the materials to form the letter “Uu.”

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