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  • 3-5 Years



Found 11 results.

Feel the Vibrations

Explore vibrations with your child. Sing a song or hunt for things that vibrate to help her understand how sound is caused by vibrations.

Sound Hunt

Turn an outdoor walk with your child into a hunt for sounds. Listen for sounds and identify where they come from.

Watch Together: “Bear Snores On” (BTL show)

Play the video Between the Lions “Bear Snores On” for children. Have children practice active viewing by listening for the sounds in the video.

Watch Together: “Listening for Sounds” (PEEP live-action clip)

Show a video about three girls who are  tracking the sources of outdoor sounds. Encourage children to make connections after viewing.

Watch Together: “Night in the Country” (BTL show)

Play the video Between the Lions “Night in the Country” and have children focus on the sounds in the video.

Watch Together: “Opposite Bunny: loud / quiet” (BTL clip)

Watch a short video about loud and quiet sounds, then replay the video and have children make loud and quiet sounds along with the video.

Watch Together: “Sounds Like . . .” (PEEP show)

Watch PEEP and the Big Wide World  “Sounds Like . . .” video and go on a listening adventure with Peep and his friend, Chirp.

Watch Together: “Tracking Down Sounds” (PEEP live-action clip)

Have children watch the live-action video PEEP and the Big Wide World “Tracking Down Sounds” and encourage children to make connections to their own explorations.

Watch Together: “Word Morph: nut–nap–napkin” (BTL clip)

Watch a video clip about the letter “n” and have children repeat the words as they identify the "n" on the screen.

Watch Together: “Word Morph: sun–salt–sock–soap” (BTL clip)

Watch a Between the Lions video clip about the letter “Ss.” 

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘q’” (BTL clip)

Show the video clip Between the Lions  “Words Beginning with ‘q’” and have children repeat the words during a second viewing.

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