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  • 3-5 Years




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  • 1-6
  • 6+



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  • 3-5 Years


Found 4 results.

Join the Band #1

Invite children to form their own band, like Violet in the book Violet’s Music.  Encourage children to name and talk about the different musical instruments.

Join the Band #3

Invite children to sing, dance, and play along with recordings of children’s songs.  Encourage children to name and talk about the different musical instruments in their band.

Play Together: "Alphabet Hokey Pokey"

Have children review the letters “Oo,” “Ss,” “Nn,” and “Qq” as they sing “Alphabet Hokey Pokey” with you.

Play Together: Growing Seeds

Play soft music and have children act out moving like a plant as it grows.

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