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Found 15 results.

Bear Snores On #1

Read aloud Bears Snores On by Karma Wilson to children. Focus on the sounds in the story, and talk about the sounds animals make.

Draw and Write Together: City Sounds

Create a number chart with children by using the illustrations and text from City Lullaby. Include the numbers, the noise makers, and the descriptive sound words.

Draw and Write Together: Favorite Sounds

Have children draw a picture that shows the object that makes their favorite sound. Have them complete sentence frames to identify the sound.

Explore Together (indoors): Different Voices

Have children explore making different sounds with their voices. Encourage them to use content vocabulary to describe the sounds.

Explore Together (indoors): Follow Along

Play a recoding of rhythmic instrumental music with a strong beat. Tap the rhythm and have children follow you.

Explore Together (indoors): Voice Volume

Have children focus on exploring volume and timbre with their voices, and then create patterns of sounds for others to repeat.

Play Together: Sound Detectives

Give children the opportunity to become “sound detectives” by having guess what object makes a sound they hear.

Read Together: City Lullaby #1

Read a story full of sounds you hear in the city and ask children to repeat some of the city sounds they hear in the book.

Read Together: Night in the Country #1

Read a book about nighttime sounds in the country using a quiet, soft, soothing tone. Ask children to imagine the sounds and act them out.

Read Together: Oscar and the Bat: A Book About Sound #1

Read aloud Oscar and the Bat: A Book About Sound by Geoff Waring and have children listen to the different sounds in the story.

Read Together: Oscar and the Bat: A Book About Sound #3

Read aloud Oscar and the Bat: A Book About Sound by Geoff Waring and review what children have learned about sound.

Review the Week Together: Unit 3, Week 2

Review loud and quiet sounds and have children share a favorite activity from the week.

Review the Week Together: Unit 3, Week 3

Review sounds of different volume, pitch, and timbre with children and animal sounds heard on a listening walk.

Watch Together: “Bear Snores On” (BTL show)

Play the video Between the Lions “Bear Snores On” for children. Have children practice active viewing by listening for the sounds in the video.

Watch Together: “Sounds Like . . .” (PEEP show)

Watch PEEP and the Big Wide World  “Sounds Like . . .” video and go on a listening adventure with Peep and his friend, Chirp.

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