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Found 49 results. Showing 1 of 3 pages.

Draw and Write Together: Food Rhymes

Recite the rhyme “Oh, So Yummy.” Have children suggest foods to replace “Carrots, carrots” to make a new rhyme.

Draw and Write Together: Night Music

Reread the poem “Night Music,” and together then compose a new group poem based on city sounds.

Greeting Song: “Hola Greeting Song” #1

Sing the greeting song, hold up three name cards and greet those children by name. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “I Have a Good Friend” #1

Sit in a circle and recite the chant, “I Have a Good Friend.” Roll a ball to each child calling him/her by name.

Greeting Song: “I Have a Good Friend” #2

Have children recognize their name as they recite a greeting chant along with you. 

Recite Together: “A Kite” #1

Recite a poem about a kite and the color blue.

Recite Together: “A Seed is Planted”

Recite the poem and have children move like a growing seed.

Recite Together: “Bear Snores On”

Read the first pages of “Bear Snores On” by Karma Wilson. Emphasize rhyme words. 

Recite Together: “Down the Ramp”

Introduce children to a chant about ramps. Recite it using hand motions and have children join you.

Recite Together: “Five Fat Peas”

Recite the poem with the gestures. Clarify that peas are seeds.

Recite Together: Five Fine Carrots

Recite the chant about carrots and act out the motions. Repeat with different plant foods.

Recite Together: “Five Little Flowers”

Count the number of fingers on one hand. Recite the poem with the finger motions.

Recite Together: “Five Little Piggies”

Chant the poem and do the hand motions with children.

Recite Together: “Hungry for Bee-bim Bop!”

Recite “Hungry for Bee-bim Bop!” with hand motions.

Recite Together: “Jazz Baby, Jazz Baby” #2

Reread the poem “Jazz Baby, Jazz Baby.” Divide children into groups: have one group recite through a tube, and others do the action.

Recite Together: “Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary”

Recite the poem and substitute children’s names for the name “Mary.”

Recite Together: “On the Hill”

Review what children have observed about objects rolling down a hill. Recite a poem about rolling down a hill.

Recite Together: “Silly, Silly Mrs. McNosh”

Read the poem “Silly, Silly Mrs. McNosh.” Invite children to recite it with you.

Recite Together: “Ten Little Monkeys”

Together recite the familiar chant “Ten Little Monkeys” using finger actions to help the children count down from ten.

Recite Together: “Ten Little Nails”

Recite the chant and have children act out the movements with you to the counting rhyme.

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