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Found 21 results. Showing 1 of 2 pages.

Draw and Write Together: Abiyoyo the Giant

Have children dictate or write words that describe how they think the giant Abiyoyo sounds when he sings, talks, or walks.

Draw and Write Together: Animal Sound Parade

Show magazine pictures of animals to children. Ask them to name the animals, then sort the sounds each make on a two-column chart titled “Loud/Soft.”

Draw and Write Together: It’s a Whatchamacallit

Have children generate rhyme words as they dictate or write to complete the poem “It’s a Whatchamacallit.”

Draw and Write Together: My Garden

Have children draw a garden. Have them write or dictate what their plants need.

Draw and Write Together: My Kitchen

Explain how spices come from plants. Have children draw, write, or dictate a window box with plants they would want in their kitchen window.

Draw and Write Together: Pages of Blue

Have children identify blue items from magazines and assemble a group book. 

Draw and Write Together: Retell The Three Little Javelinas

Have children use puppets to retell the story.

Draw and Write Together: Someone Special

Help children create a picture of someone who is special to them.

Draw and Write Together: Sound Book

Have children collectively make a number book of sounds modeled on the book City Lullaby. Keep the book in the Writing Center for children to view.

Draw and Write Together: Sources of Sounds

Review the “Sounds We Hear” chart with children. Encourage children to share what they have learned about sound. Record any new ideas on the chart.

Draw and Write Together: The Seasons of the Year

Discuss characteristics of seasons. Have children draw pictures of the different seasons outdoors and dictate or label the correct season for each picture.

Draw and Write Together: Updating Our Science Notebooks

Have children draw a picture in their science notebooks and dictate an entry to go with the picture.

Draw and Write Together: Using Ramps

Have children dictate, write, or draw to illustrate a way in which ramps are used.

Draw and Write Together: We Did It!

Ask children to think of something they were afraid to do the first time. Have children draw a picture of them doing the task.

Draw and Write Together: We Went Walking #1

Construct a rebus chart with children of sounds they heard on their listening walk.

Draw and Write Together: Wheel Book

Invite children to draw a picture of an activity they do that requires using something with wheels. Create a group “Wheel Book.”

Learn About Letters Together: Decorate Letter (“Hh”)

Children trace and decorate uppercase letter “H” with pictures of words that begin with the letter /h/ sound.

Learn About Letters Together: Decorate Letter (“Uu”)

Have children decorate a cutout "U" and then have a "U" parade around the room. 

Small Group: Ramp Drawings

Have children illustrate the ramp constructions they built. Encourage them to represent the movement of the objects on the ramps in their drawings.

Small Group: Ramp Track Paintings

Have children create ramp paintings using balls dipped in paint and ramps.

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