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Found 13 results.

Animal Homes

Explore the different types of homes animals live in. Then help your child plan and build a house for a favorite animal.

Color Games

Colors are everywhere. Play simple games to help your child recognize the colors she sees around her every day.

Count Your Fingers and Toes!

Use your baby’s fascination with fingers and toes to have fun counting.

Face to Face

You and your baby have a lot to talk about! Sit face to face to start the conversation.

Ice Art

Explore art and science with your child. See what happens when she paints a picture with frozen colored ice cubes.

Music Around the World

Listen to music from around the world together. Help your child compare the music to his favorite music or song.

Packing for a Picnic

Planning a picnic together involves lots of early math concepts.

Plants Here and There

Point out different environments plants grow in when you are out and about—such as in the park, by a pond, or in the woods.

Ramps at Home

Build ramps out of everyday objects with your child. Then together explore objects that roll or slide.

Seed Search

Take an outdoor walk with your child and collect seeds (flowers, trees, bushes, etc.). Explore, sort, and compare your seed collection.

Sound Box

Explore and create sounds with your child while using everyday objects.

Talk It Up

What does your baby respond to? Talk about his favorite toy or whatever grabs her attention.

Word Power

Your baby loves hearing your voice! Help him give meaning to the sounds he makes as “da” becomes “da-da.”

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