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Found 45 results. Showing 1 of 3 pages.

Dance Studio

Have children to pretend they are taking dancing lessons. Encourage them to experiment with different kinds of dance movement.

Dancing Fingers

Encourage children to move their hands to the music as they finger paint. Talk about the music and the ways children are moving their fingers to it.

Explore Together (indoors): Music Day Performance

Gather children in the same groups as yesterday. Play the same music children listened to yesterday. Allow children to practice their music or movements from the week.

Explore Together (indoors): Music Mural #1

Play a piece of music and ask children to paint how they feel.  Turn the volume up and down as they paint.

Explore Together (indoors): Music Mural #2

Play a piece of music that contrasts the previous day’s piece.  Have children repeat the exercise of painting how they feel.

Explore Together (indoors): Responding to Sound

Invite children to create their own music by responding to the sounds they hear indoors. Provide various materials and help children identify and imitate sounds.

Explore Together (indoors): Scarf Dance

Provide materials such as scarves, feathers, or strips of construction paper and have children move to music using these materials.

Feel the Music

Play a piece of music and have children talk about how the music makes them feel.  Ask them to draw how they feel.

Greeting Song: “Show Us Something You Can Do” #1

Sing a chant to help children recognize their name in print and build their concept of self.  Make sure each child gets a chance to participate.

Greeting Song: “Show Us Something You Can Do” #2

Hold up children’s name cards one at a time during the chant. Invite children to show the class what they can do with their voices.

Greeting Song: “Show Us Something You Can Do” #3

Ask each child to move a specific part of his or her body when you sing the line “Show us something you can do.”

Greeting Song: “Show Us Something You Can Do” #4

As you sing, ask each child to show you something they can play with the instruments. Have children cheer for each other after they play.

Greeting Song: “Show Us Something You Can Do” #5

As you sing, ask each child to show something they can do when they dance to music.

Greeting Song: “The Name Game” #1

Teach children a silly name chant. Chant a verse using your own name. Then have children join you as you recite a verse for each child.

Greeting Song: “The Name Game” #2

With children, recite the verse of “The Name Game” for each child. Have children repeat the verse after you.

Greeting Song: “The Name Game” #3

Have children use their tubes to recite the verse. Each time call out a direction to change the volume, pitch, or timbre of their voice.

Greeting Song: “The Name Game” #4

Have children use their tubes to sing the verse. Each time call out a direction such as a high or low pitch.

Greeting Song: “The Name Game” #5

Have children use their tubes to sing the verse. Have each child call out “loud” or “soft” to direct the group how to sing.

Greeting Song: “Try, Try, Try To Sing” #1

Have children join you in singing a song and as you change the volume of your voice for each verse. 

Greeting Song: “Try, Try, Try To Sing” #2

Have children sing a song and change the pitch of their voices along with you. 

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