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  • Letters & Letter Sounds
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Found 19 results.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Letter Sound (/d/)

Have children listen for words that begin with the letter sound /d/. Let children generate words.

Learn About Letters Together: Letter ("Hh") and Word (hill) Hunt

Reinforce recognition of the letter “Hh” and the word hill by having children hunt for them around the room.

Learn About Letters Together: Letters in Our Names (“Dd”)

Use the “Letters in Our Names” routine to help children find the letter “Dd” in children’s names.

Learn About Letters Together: Letters in Our Names (“Hh”)

Use the “Letters in Our Names” routine to help children find the letter “Hh” in children’s names.  

Learn About Letters Together: Sandpaper Writing (“Dd”)

Use the “Sandpaper Writing Routine” to help children begin to write the letter “Dd.”

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Dd”) and Word (down)

Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Dd” and the word down.

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Ee”) and Word (engine)

Use the “Target Letter and Word” routine to introduce children to the letter “Ee” and word (engine).

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Hh”) and Word (hill)

Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Hh” and the word hill.

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Uu”) and Word (up) #1

Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Uu” and the word up.

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Zz”) and Word (zoom)

Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Zz” and the word zoom.

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letters (“Dd,” “Ee”) and Words (down, engine)

Reinforce recognition of the letters “Dd” and “Ee” and the words down and engine by having children hunt for them in the room.

Learn About Sounds Together: Letter Sound (/e/)

Have children listen for words that begin with the letter sound /e/. Encourage children to generate words.     

Watch Together: “What’s Your Name? (e)” (BTL clip)

Play the video clip Between the Lions “What’s Your Name?” Have children look for the letter “Ee” on the screen.

Word Play: Alliteration (/d/)

Children listen to and repeat an alliterative sentence with words that begin with the letter sound /d/.

Word Play: Alliteration (/h/)

Children recognize and repeat an alliterative with words beginning with the letter sound /h/.

Word Play: Alliteration (/u/)

Ask children to listen for the beginning sound /u/ of each word in a sentence.

Word Play: Make a Word

Have children match letters to the target word cards and help them to read the words. 

Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/u/)

Use the “Tell Me What You Hear” routine to help children listen for the short beginning /u/ sound in familiar words.

Word Play: Who Knows My Word?

Play a listening game to review the letter sound /u/.

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