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  • Sound



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  • 1-6
  • 6+


  • 30-60


  • Indoor

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Found 6 results.

Explore Together (indoors): Body Sounds

Have children explore making loud and quiet sounds with their hands, feet, and mouths. 

Explore Together (indoors): More Shake and Listen

Have children predict which objects make the loudest sounds. Facilitate children’s explorations.

Explore Together (indoors): Mystery Shakers

Have children make shakers with different materials. Then have them listening to the shaker sounds and guess what object is inside making the sound.

Explore Together (indoors): Shake and Listen

Have children choose materials and containers to explore making sounds. Challenge children to make loud and soft sounds with the shakers.

Explore Together (indoors): Tap and Scrape Sounds

Invite children to select from a set of materials to make and describe tap and scrape sounds. 

Explore Together (indoors): Voice Pitch

Children explore the concept of pitch using their voices. Have them say and listen to high and low sounds, and record them on a chart.

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