Found 6 results.
Explore Together (indoors): Voice Volume
Have children focus on exploring volume and timbre with their voices, and then create patterns of sounds for others to repeat.
Explore Together (outdoors): Listening Walk
Bring children outside on a listening walk and record the different sounds children hear.
Explore Together (outdoors): Listening Walk: Animal Sounds
Take children outdoors on a listening walk to listen for animal sounds. Have them focus on the source, volume, and pitch of the sounds.
Explore Together (outdoors): Outdoor Listening
Have children sit quietly outside and listen for the sounds around them and then explore the source of a sound.
Explore Together (outdoors): Outdoor Listening Walk
Pair children, have them track down outside sounds, and help them record their observations.
Explore Together (outdoors): Sound Map
Have children record on a map sounds they hear outside. Talk about the source of each sound.