
Found 9 results.

Count Your Fingers and Toes!

Use your baby’s fascination with fingers and toes to have fun counting.

Finger Play

Try these fun songs as you move your hands to go with the words

Nature Walk

Taking a walk together outside—in the city or the country—offers so many ways to explore, learn, discover, and investigate!

Poetry in Motion

Nursery rhymes and poetry for little ones offer rich language, new words, and patterns of language.

Reading and Rhythm

Rhyming books are not only appealing to your baby, they help him learn, too!

Talk It Up

What does your baby respond to? Talk about his favorite toy or whatever grabs her attention.

Theme Music

Pick a “theme” song to help your toddler make transitions throughout the day.

Word Power

Your baby loves hearing your voice! Help him give meaning to the sounds he makes as “da” becomes “da-da.”

Writing Exercise

Playing outside with bubbles, in the sand, or with water all helps your baby develop the fine motor skills she’ll later need to write.

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