
Found 12 results.

Act Out a Ramp Story

Read a book about ramps and help your child make connections to ramps found in your neighborhood.

Animal Homes

Explore the different types of homes animals live in. Then help your child plan and build a house for a favorite animal.

Baby Face

Babies love babies! Share books with your baby that contain pictures of people, especially babies.

Building Site

Visit a construction site and talk with your child about the tools and machines used by construction workers.

Colors, Shapes, and More

Nonfiction for toddlers? Yes! Concept books about shapes, colors, numbers, and other topics, helps your child learn about the world around her.

Family Photo Book

Your baby will love “reading” a family photo book—or any kind of simple, homemade book you create.

Living Under Water

Help your child learn about animals that live in or around water by looking at pictures and imagining life under water.

Music Around the World

Listen to music from around the world together. Help your child compare the music to his favorite music or song.

Neighborhood Houses and Buildings

Take a walk with your child and talk about different shapes, textures, and materials you notice on the houses and buildings.

Noisy Reading!

For active toddlers, find books that that they can touch-and-feel, scratch-and-sniff, and lift up flaps and windows.

Poetry in Motion

Nursery rhymes and poetry for little ones offer rich language, new words, and patterns of language.

Reading and Rhythm

Rhyming books are not only appealing to your baby, they help him learn, too!

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