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Found 666 results. Showing 2 of 34 pages.

Draw and Write Together: Food Rhymes

Recite the rhyme “Oh, So Yummy.” Have children suggest foods to replace “Carrots, carrots” to make a new rhyme.

Draw and Write Together: My Boat

Have children draw a boat they built. Help them write or dictate a caption about something they learned while observing the boat.

Draw and Write Together: Night Music

Reread the poem “Night Music,” and together then compose a new group poem based on city sounds.

Draw and Write Together: We Love Jazz!

Reread a few pages of Jazz Baby that feature sound and action words.  Have children choose one of the words and draw a picture.

Draw and Write Together: What Made That Sound?

Ask children to recall a sound they heard during the day and have them draw a picture of the source of the sound.

Draw and Write Together: What We Learned About Worms

Have children draw and dictate or write something they learned about the underground environment.

Draw and Write Together: “Worms” Chart

Have children draw and dictate or write a fact they learned about how worms help plants.

Everyday Objects Are Fun Toys

Plan and build with boxes, tubes, containers, and other everyday objects together to help children develop language, art, math, and engineering skills.

Everyday Toys

Toys don’t have to be fancy or store-bought to bring hours of entertainment for your toddler.

Face to Face

You and your baby have a lot to talk about! Sit face to face to start the conversation.

Family Connection: Unit 7, Week 4, #2

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Photo Book

Your baby will love “reading” a family photo book—or any kind of simple, homemade book you create.

Figure It Out

Play games to help toddlers use and strengthen their reasoning skills and to help them put their reasoning into words.

Finger Play

Try these fun songs as you move your hands to go with the words

Get "In Tune"

Engage in back-and-forth “talks” with a baby and get in tune with her voice, expressions, and body language as she communicates with you.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #1

Sing the greeting song and have children clap the syllables of his or her name. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #10

Have the class clap the syllables in a child’s name. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #2

Sing the greeting song, hold up a name card, and have child clap the syllables in his or her name. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #4

Sing the greeting song and hold up a name card. Have children clap the syllables in the name. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Clap a Friend’s Name” #5

Sing the song and have a child clap his or her name alone and then have all children join in. Repeat until every child is included.

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