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Found 1803 results. Showing 3 of 91 pages.

Build a House

Provide children with toy dump trucks and bulldozers so they can excavate in the sand and build a house.

Build a Letter (“Bb”)

Invite children to make the letter “Bb” with blocks. Have them count the number of blocks they use.

Build a Letter (“Nn”)

Invite children to make the letter “Nn” with blocks. Draw outlines of each letter for children to refer to as they work.

Build a Letter (“Pp”)

Invite children to build the letter “Pp” with blocks.

Build a Letter (“Qq”)

Invite children to make the letter “Q” with blocks. Draw outlines of each letter for children to refer to as they work.

Build a Letter (“Ww”)

Invite children to make the uppercase and lowercase “Ww” with blocks.

Build a Library

Encourage children to use blocks to build things they might find in a library.

Build a Structure

Have children work in pairs to build a structure of colored blocks.

Build a Word (seed)

Have children build the word “seed” with blocks. Guide them to use curved blocks (arches) or make curves from small square blocks for the letters “s” and “e.”

Build a Word (up)

Encourage children to use large outlines of the letter “u” and “p” to build the word “up” with blocks.

Build High

Have children measure the towers they are building and discuss ways to build higher and stronger.

Building from Blueprints

Use blueprints to build the structure out of blocks. Encourage children to discuss how to make the parts of the house strong.

Building It

View and discuss the video of an actual construction site.

"But, Mama, But . . ." #2 (BTL Show)

As children watch a Between the Lions video, have them describe Leona Lion's feelings.

Changing Textures

Explore how the texture and consistency of foods can change as you make a snack with children. Expand the exploration to include dry/wet sand or mud.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Role-Play

Have children act out the story of an alphabet climbing a coconut tree.

Chicks and Salsa

Have children draw a picture of their favorite scene from Chicks and Salsa.

Class Band T-shirt

Invite children to make suggestions for a band name.  Have them dictate their suggestion and write it on a construction paper t-shirt.  Have children decorate the shirt.

Cliff Hanger and the Fabulous Flying Fish (BTL clip)

Watch the video Between the Lions “Cliff Hanger and the Fabulous Flying Fish.” Have children listen for words beginning with the /f/ sound.

Color Art

Have children make a collage of colored transparent materials and observe how light shines through the colors.

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