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Greeting Song: “Here We Are Together” #7
Sing the greeting song. Point to four different name cards and have those children say their names. Repeat until every child is included.
Greeting Song: “Here We Are Together” #8
Sing the greeting song and hold up a name card. Have that child choose another name card. Repeat until every child is included.
Greeting Song: “If Your Name Has One Word Part” #1
Sing the song and have children with the same number of syllables in their name stand and say their names. Repeat until every child is included.
Greeting Song: “If Your Name Has One Word Part” #2
Sing the song and signal children with the correct number of word parts to stand and clap the syllables in their names. Repeat until every child is included.
Greeting Song: “If Your Name Has One Word Part” #3
Sing the song in reverse order, starting with the child who has the highest number of syllables in his or her name.
Greeting Song: “If Your Name Has One Word Part” #4
Sing the song and signal children with the correct number of word parts to stand and clap their names. Repeat until every child is included.
Greeting Song: “If Your Name Has One Word Part” #5
Sing the song in random number order until all children have been recognized.
Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #4
Stand in a circle and sing the greeting song. Shake each child’s hand and say his or her name.
Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #5
Sing the greeting song and hold up name cards. Have each child stand up and say his or her name.
Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #6
Sing the greeting song. Name one child and let him or her choose the next until all children have had a turn.
Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #7
Sing the greeting song and hold up name cards. Have those children say their names and clap the word parts. Repeat until every child is included.
Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #8
Have children decide which way they want to sing the song.
Greeting Song: “We’re Happy You Are Here” #4
Hold up three name cards and sing the greeting song to those three children. Repeat until everyone is included.
Greeting Song: “We’re Happy You Are Here” #5
Hold up three name cards and have those children recognize and say their names. Repeat until every child has been recognized.
Guess and Count
Have children estimate how many cups of water will fit into different size containers.
Hang It Up To Dry
Have children draw an item that will absorb water and will dry when the water evaporates. Have them dictate or write a description below the picture.
How Many Sink It?
Partner children to see which of their boats can hold the most weight before sinking.
How Much Water?
Have children count how many little cups it takes to fill a bigger cup of water.
Ice Art
Explore art and science with your child. See what happens when she paints a picture with frozen colored ice cubes.
Independent and Partner Reading, Unit 9, Week 1
Encourage children to select books that interest them and to look at the words and pictures on their own or with other children.