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Found 171 results. Showing 5 of 9 pages.

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Mm”) and Word (music) #2

Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Mm” and the word music.

Letter Molds (“Ii”)

Have children press “Ii” letter molds into the sand. Encourage them to use their fingers to make the letters in the sand as well.

Letter Molds (“Jj”), (“Ll”)

Have children press“Jj” letter molds into the sand. Encourage them to use their fingers to make the letters. Repeat with the letter “Ll.”

Letter Molds (“Mm”)

Have children press“Mm” letter molds into the sand. Encourage them to use their fingers to make the letters in the sand as well.

Letter Shaping (“Ii”)

Display the letter “Ii” card and show children how to use various materials to shape the uppercase and lowercase letters.

Letter Shaping (“Jj”), (“Ll”)

Display the letter “Jj” card and show children how to use various materials to shape the uppercase and lowercase letters.  Repeat for letter “Ll.”

Letter Shaping (“Mm”)

Display the letter “Mm” card and show children how to use various materials to shape the uppercase and lowercase letters.

Letter Sort (“Ii”)

Use the Letter Sort Routine to help children recognize the uppercase and lowercase letter “Ii.”

Letter Sort (“Mm”)

Use the Letter Sort Routine to help children recognize the uppercase and lowercase letter “Mm.”

Listening Station

Set up a listening station in your home where your child can listen to different types of music.

Loud and Quiet Book

Have children make their own books about things that are loud and things that are quiet.  Children will share their book with the class on Day 5.

Music Around the World

Listen to music from around the world together. Help your child compare the music to his favorite music or song.

Music Patterns

Play a musical pattern on toy instruments and have children say the pattern aloud with you as well as on their own.

Musical Murals

Play different types of music and have children paint to the music.  Display the paintings and the names of the artists.

One-on-One Reading: Abiyoyo #3

Read aloud Abiyoyo to individuals or small groups. Invite children to participate by repeating the word Zoop! and strumming their rubber-band guitars.

One-on-One Reading: Jazz Baby #3

Read aloud Jazz Baby to individuals or small groups. As you read, pause to encourage children to make connections between the story and their own lives.

One-on-One Reading: My Family Plays Music #3

Read aloud My Family Plays Music to individuals or small groups. Encourage children to look carefully at the illustrations to find and name the different instruments.

Play Together: Clap Jazz Baby Rhythms

Read aloud a few spreads of Jazz Baby to children, emphasizing the rhythm of the words. Help children notice the rhythm and clap along.

Play Together: Say It with Dance

Show children pictures of faces showing different emotions.  Ask children to move in a way that shows that emotion.

Play Together: “Show Us What Your Instrument Can Do”

Gather children with their rubber-band instruments. Sing the song, “Show Us What Your Instrument Can Do”
 and have children demonstrate making sounds.

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