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Found 1687 results. Showing 5 of 85 pages.

Draw and Write Together: Color Mixing Chart

Create simple color-mixing charts to represent what happens when colors are mixed.

Draw and Write Together: Colors All Around Poem

Write a class poem incorporating children’s observations of different colors.

Draw and Write Together: “Colors” Chart

Encourage children to share what they know about colors and record their discoveries on a chart.

Draw and Write Together: Compare Versions of The Three Little Pigs

Create a “Same/Different” Chart to compare the versions of the three little pigs’ story.

Draw and Write Together: Comparing Stories

Have children compare similarities and differences about two versions of a story. Chart results.

Draw and Write Together: Dear Friends

Have children draw, dictate, or write a letter to a family member about something they liked in the story The Little Red Hen.

Draw and Write Together: Describe Abiyoyo

As a group, create a list of words that describe Abiyoyo.  Help children make their own version of an Abiyoyo puppet using these descriptions.

Draw and Write Together: Family and Friends

Invite children to reflect on what they have learned about families and friends.

Draw and Write Together: Favorite Fruits

Have children try three different kinds of apples. Make a graph of which apple they liked the best.

Draw and Write Together: Favorite Instrument Graph

Print out or draw pictures of musical instruments on a chart and have children place their name card next to the instrument they like best.

Draw and Write Together: Favorite Sounds

Have children draw a picture that shows the object that makes their favorite sound. Have them complete sentence frames to identify the sound.

Draw and Write Together: Feelings Book

Discuss feelings and have children draw a time they have specific feeling and dictate or write a caption.

Draw and Write Together: Fiesta Foods

Describe a fiesta and make a “Fiesta Foods” book by having children draw pictures of plant foods that begin with the letter “F.”

Draw and Write Together: Food Rhymes

Recite the rhyme “Oh, So Yummy.” Have children suggest foods to replace “Carrots, carrots” to make a new rhyme.

Draw and Write Together: Friends and Feelings

Discuss and draw pictures about different feelings friends can have when they are together.

Draw and Write Together: “How It Moves” Chart

Discuss children's observations while rolling or sliding objects down ramps. Create a  “Roll” and “Slide” chart with children.

Draw and Write Together: How to Make a Rubber Band Guitar

Invite children to dictate “How to Make a Rubber Band Guitar” while you write the instructions on chart paper.

Draw and Write Together: Hunting for Colors

Have children go on a hunt looking for specific colors around the room.

Draw and Write Together: “I Am a Fine Musician”

Teach children the song “I Am a Fine Musician.” Reinforce the directionality of print by using a written chart of the lyrics.

Draw and Write Together: If I Planted a Seed

Children choose a plant they would like to grow and illustrate, dictate or write about it.

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