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Found 171 results. Showing 6 of 9 pages.

Play Together: Volume Control

Play a game with children where they raise and lower the volume of their voices. Use cardboard remote controls to adjust others’ volumes.

Read Together: Abiyoyo #1

Read a folktale about a giant named Abiyoyo. Invite children to act out gestures and sound effects throughout the story.

Read Together: Abiyoyo #2

Reread Abiyoyo by Pete Seeger and have children make connections to their own lives.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 4, Week 1

Reread one of the read-aloud books about sound or choose a favorite book from the recommended list.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 4, Week 2

Reread one of the books or select a book from the Recommended List and review the concepts about sound.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 4, Week 3

Reread one of the books, watch the video “What Instrument Does Alvin Play?,” or select a book from the recommended list focusing on the various sounds.

Read Together: Jazz Baby #1

Have children close their eyes and listen to a short jazz recording before you read the story Jazz Baby by Lisa Wheeler. 

Read Together: Jazz Baby #2

Children imagine they are listening to the music in the story Jazz Baby by Lisa Wheeler as you read it aloud.

Read Together: Kitchen Dance #1

Read Kitchen Dance by Maurice Manning and focus on the various sound words as well as the movement words. Have children act out some of the movements.

Read Together: Kitchen Dance #2

Reread Kitchen Dance by Maurice Manning, playing tango music softly in the background to set the mood.  Act out the action words and have children join.

Read Together: My Family Plays Music #1

Read a book about a family that likes to make music with many different musical instruments. Help children make connections to the book.

Read Together: My Family Plays Music #2

Read My Family Plays Music by Judy Cox and focus on the different kinds of music each member of the family plays. Talk about how each instrument is played.

Read Together: Violet’s Music

Read a book about a girl who loves to make music all day long. Discuss how the various sounds are made and act them out.

Recite Together: “Jazz Baby, Jazz Baby” #1

Recite the poem “Jazz Baby, Jazz Baby” with motions. Invite children to join you in reciting and acting out the sound words.

Recite Together: “Jazz Baby, Jazz Baby” #2

Reread the poem “Jazz Baby, Jazz Baby.” Divide children into groups: have one group recite through a tube, and others do the action.

Recite Together: “Violet in the Crib”

Recite the poem “Violet in the Crib” two or three times aloud while stressing the rhythm and the sound words. 

Review the Week Together: Unit 4, Week 1

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review sounds, pitch, and volume and how they were made.

Review the Week Together: Unit 4, Week 2

Display the rubber band instruments and tubes and have children demonstrate sounds they have learned. Encourage them to change the volume, pitch, and timbre of their sounds.

Review the Week Together: Unit 4, Week 3

Congratulate children on their music performance and on being hosts to their visitors.  Have children share their experiences from the day.

Road Tunnels

Invite children to build a road and tunnels structure. Explain that some roads go through tunnels sometimes so the roads can go underwater.

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