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Found 130 results. Showing 6 of 7 pages.

Review the Week Together: Unit 2, Week 4

Have children discuss different things they observed and learned about color this week.

Review the Week Together: Unit 3, Week 2

Review loud and quiet sounds and have children share a favorite activity from the week.

Review the Week Together: Unit 3, Week 3

Review sounds of different volume, pitch, and timbre with children and animal sounds heard on a listening walk.

Review the Week Together: Unit 4, Week 1

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review sounds, pitch, and volume and how they were made.

Review the Week Together: Unit 4, Week 2

Display the rubber band instruments and tubes and have children demonstrate sounds they have learned. Encourage them to change the volume, pitch, and timbre of their sounds.

Review the Week Together: Unit 5, Week 4

Review ramps, trackways, and obstacles explrations and the letter “Hh,” letter sound /h/, and the word hill

Review the Week Together: Unit 6, Week 2

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review towers and building strong structures, “Tt,” /t/, and tool.

Review the Week Together: Unit 6, Week 3

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review measuring tools, size, and bridges, “Xx,” /x/, /ks/, and x-ray.

Review the Week Together: Unit 7, Week 2

Say some words and have children repeat back the /g/ sound at the beginning of the words.

Review the Week Together: Unit 8, Week 1

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review plant parts, edible plants, and taste, “Ff,” /f/, and farm.

Review the Week Together, Unit 8, Week 2

Revisit children’s charts, drawings, and pictures from the week.  Review leaf and root vegetables, letter and letter sound /v/, and the word vegetable.

Review the Week Together: Unit 9, Week 3

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review floating, sinking, balance, and boats, “Bb,” /b/, and boat.

Review the Week Together: Unit 9, Week 4

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review absorb, evaporation, water drops and drips, “Uu,” /u/, and up.

Seed Search

Take an outdoor walk with your child and collect seeds (flowers, trees, bushes, etc.). Explore, sort, and compare your seed collection.

Small Group: Create an Underground Environment

Discuss how worms help plants meet their needs. Then set up a worm habitat with children.

Small Group: Explore Trees

Discuss parts of a tree. Go outside and have children compare and explore trees.

Small Group: Same or Different

Have children work in pairs as they create cats that are same or different from their partner’s.

Small Group: Water Drop Races

Have children use eyedroppers to squirt and drip water drops on a smooth, vertical surface and compare how the drops flow.

Tasty Traditions

Introduce your child to another culture by making a traditional soup or salad from a culture other than your own.

Watch It Grow

Plant seeds with your child. Let him be responsible for watering them to help him learn what plants need to live and grow.

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