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Found 214 results. Showing 7 of 11 pages.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 9, Week 1

Choose a book about water to read to children. Ask them to identify how water moves and changes direction in the story.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 9, Week 2

Read a story or concept book about water. Make connections between the book and children’s own explorations with water.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 9, Week 3

Read aloud a nonfiction or fiction book about floating and sinking.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 9, Week 4

Read a favorite story or concept book about water. Make connections to children’s explorations with water.

Read Together: Flower Garden #1

Read the book and talk about the tools and flowers in the story.

Read Together: Flower Garden #2

Reread the story and compare the girl’s garden to the garden in Jack’s Garden.

Read Together: Houses and Homes

Read Houses and Homes by Ann Morris. Focus on the materials used to build houses and how the materials vary because of where people live in the world.

Read Together: I Get Wet #1

Read about experiments with water. Focus children on the different shapes water takes in the book.

Read Together: I Get Wet #2

Gather children around a faucet and follow the water activity as the text describes.

Read Together: Is It Red? Is It Yellow? Is It Blue? #1

Have children match colors dots on a page to colors in a photograph.

Read Together: Is It Red? Is It Yellow? Is It Blue? #2

Read a book about colors and focus on the color yellow.

Read Together: Is It Red? Is It Yellow? Is It Blue? #3

Revisit a book about colors and encourage children to discuss a favorite photograph.

Read Together: Jack’s Garden #1

Discuss different types of gardens and begin to read the book Jack’s Garden.

Read Together: Jazz Baby #1

Have children close their eyes and listen to a short jazz recording before you read the story Jazz Baby by Lisa Wheeler. 

Read Together: Kitchen Dance #1

Read Kitchen Dance by Maurice Manning and focus on the various sound words as well as the movement words. Have children act out some of the movements.

Read Together: Kitchen Dance #2

Reread Kitchen Dance by Maurice Manning, playing tango music softly in the background to set the mood.  Act out the action words and have children join.

Read Together: Knuffle Bunny Too #1

Do a picture walk of a story about a little girl and her special stuffed animal friend.

Read Together: Knuffle Bunny Too #2

Read a story about friends and the emotions they share.

Read Together: Lola at the Library #1

Read a book about a girl who loves going to the library.

Read Together: Lola at the Library #2

Read a book to introduce borrowing and returning library books.

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