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Found 171 results. Showing 8 of 9 pages.

Talk Together: Feeling the Music

Talk about how different music can make you feel happy, sad, or even silly. Play a piece of music and ask children how they feel.

Talk Together: High and Low

Recite a poem to demonstrate and talk about the concepts of volume and pitch. Facilitate a discussion on sounds with high and low pitches.

Talk Together: Make that Sound

Discuss all the sounds children have heard over the past weeks.  Help them recall the sounds and demonstrate some of them.

Talk Together: Making Music

Introduce the idea of making music to children by playing a favorite musical recording. Talk with children about what they like about the music.

Talk Together: More Rubber Band Music

Gather children around the materials and invite them to talk about and demonstrate some of the observations they made while exploring making sounds with rubber bands.

Talk Together: Move to Music

Talk about some of the music the children have been listening to together. Play some music and invite children to move to the music.

Talk Together: Music Day #1

Review with children what music is, and all the ways they’ve learned to make music. Have children prepare for a music performance.

Talk Together: Music Day #2

Remind children that today is Music Day. Discuss the music each group will play. Have children discuss how they will put together the performance.

Talk Together: Musical Instruments

Have children listen to music and name instruments they hear.

Talk Together: Repeating Sounds

Replay some of the sounds children made this week.  Have children discuss the sounds they made and repeat the sounds as they discuss.

Talk Together: Sound and Music

Display the rubber band guitars and tubes from the Discovery Time activities during the week. Review with children what they observed during their explorations.

Talk Together: Sound Explorers

Revisit the book What Is a Scientist? By Barbara Lehn. Help children make connections between their explorations of sound and the skills described in the book.

Talk Together: Tube Talk

Have children recall some of the ways they used tubes and some of the discoveries they have made while listening through tubes.

Watch Together: “Hear Here” (PEEP show)

Have children watch the PEEP and the Big Wide World video “Hear, Here” and listen to the different sounds in Quack's voice. 

Watch Together: “Lions Jabber, Jig, Jog” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Lions Jabbering, Doing a Jig, and Jogging.” Pause to explain the words jabber, jig, and jog as you watch the video.

Watch Together: “Ruby Sings the Blues” #1 (BTL show)

Watch a Between the Lions video about Ruby who learns to sing a type of music called the Blues. Help children make connections to the video.

Watch Together: “Ruby Sings the Blues” (BTL show) #2

Watch the Between the Lions video “Ruby Sings the Blues” again. Ask children to focus on how people in Ruby’s life feel about her volume.

Watch Together: “Tuning Up” (BTL clip)

Have children watch the Between the Lions clip “Poem: Tuning Up” to review some sound and music vocabulary.

Watch Together: “Violet’s Music” (BTL show)

Play the Between the Lions show “Violet’s Music." Have the book on display and allow children to recall events in the story before viewing.

Watch Together: “What Instrument Does Alvin Play?” (BTL show)

Watch a Between the Lions video about different musical instruments, then discuss the various instruments and their sounds.

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