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Found 214 results. Showing 8 of 11 pages.

Read Together: Mama Zooms #1

Read the book Mama Zooms. Discuss with children how some people cannot walk and that a wheelchair helps them move around and go places.

Read Together: Mama Zooms #2

Reread Mama Zooms with lots of expression and have children act out the motions in the book. 

Read Together: Max Found Two Sticks #1

Read the book Max Found Two Sticks by Jerry Pinkney. Have children use materials to create sounds like Max made in the story.

Read Together: Max Found Two Sticks #2

Reread Max Found Two Sticks by Jerry Pinkney, and have children tap out some of the rhythms Max makes on their thighs.

Read Together: Mouse Paint #1

Read a book about three mice that mix different colors with their feet.

Read Together: Mouse Paint #2

Read Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh with children, focusing on how the mice “blend” in with their background.

Read Together: Mouse Paint BB

Read Mouse Paint with children, focusing on how the mice “blend” in with their background.

Read Together: Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash #1

Read the story and have children listen to all the silly things Mrs. McNosh washes and hangs up to dry.

Read Together: Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash #2

Reread the story. Ask children to recall events and tell what the main idea of the story is.

Read Together: My Family Plays Music #1

Read a book about a family that likes to make music with many different musical instruments. Help children make connections to the book.

Read Together: Night in the Country #1

Read a book about nighttime sounds in the country using a quiet, soft, soothing tone. Ask children to imagine the sounds and act them out.

Read Together: Night in the Country #2

Invite children to use their voices, bodies, or objects to make some of the sounds in the book.  

Read Together: One Bean #1

Read One Bean by Anne Rockwell. Have children focus on how the boy helps the seeds grow.

Read Together: One Bean #2

Reread One Bean and focus on the sequence the boy follows as to plant his seed.

Read Together: Oscar and the Bat: A Book About Sound #1

Read aloud Oscar and the Bat: A Book About Sound by Geoff Waring and have children listen to the different sounds in the story.

Read Together: Oscar and the Bat: A Book About Sound #2

Read aloud Oscar and the Bat: A Book About Sound by Geoff Waring. Focus on why animals and people make sounds to communicate.

Read Together: Oscar and the Bat: A Book About Sound #3

Read aloud Oscar and the Bat: A Book About Sound by Geoff Waring and review what children have learned about sound.

Read Together: Owl Babies #1

Read a story about an owl family and talk about how the owl babies feel when their Mama goes away. 

Read Together: Red Is a Dragon #1

Read about a young Chinese-American girl as she tells about the brightly colored objects of her Asian heritage.

Read Together: Roll, Slope, Slide: A Book About Ramps #1

Read the book and have children listen actively as they use hand and body motions to act out action words and phrases.

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