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Found 171 results. Showing 1 of 9 pages.

Bear Cave Sounds

Invite children to recreate a bear habitat using blocks. Talk about where bears live and the sounds they might hear.

Bear Snores On #1

Read aloud Bears Snores On by Karma Wilson to children. Focus on the sounds in the story, and talk about the sounds animals make.

Build a Letter (“Nn”)

Invite children to make the letter “Nn” with blocks. Draw outlines of each letter for children to refer to as they work.

Build a Letter (“Qq”)

Invite children to make the letter “Q” with blocks. Draw outlines of each letter for children to refer to as they work.

Colored Pencil Night Drawings

Show children the illustration of the raccoon and her babies in Night in the Country. Encourage children to draw a night scene using colored pencils.

Counting Sounds

Have children use different materials to make sounds and then count the number of different sounds.

Divvy Up!

Show children how to divvy up or divide food as a character in their read-aloud. 

Draw and Write Together: Animal Sound Parade

Show magazine pictures of animals to children. Ask them to name the animals, then sort the sounds each make on a two-column chart titled “Loud/Soft.”

Draw and Write Together: City Sounds

Create a number chart with children by using the illustrations and text from City Lullaby. Include the numbers, the noise makers, and the descriptive sound words.

Draw and Write Together: Favorite Sounds

Have children draw a picture that shows the object that makes their favorite sound. Have them complete sentence frames to identify the sound.

Draw and Write Together: Night Music

Reread the poem “Night Music,” and together then compose a new group poem based on city sounds.

Draw and Write Together: Sound Book

Have children collectively make a number book of sounds modeled on the book City Lullaby. Keep the book in the Writing Center for children to view.

Draw and Write Together: Sources of Sounds

Review the “Sounds We Hear” chart with children. Encourage children to share what they have learned about sound. Record any new ideas on the chart.

Draw and Write Together: We Went Walking #1

Construct a rebus chart with children of sounds they heard on their listening walk.

Draw and Write Together: What Made That Sound?

Ask children to recall a sound they heard during the day and have them draw a picture of the source of the sound.

Explore Together (indoors): Body Sounds

Have children explore making loud and quiet sounds with their hands, feet, and mouths. 

Explore Together (indoors): Different Voices

Have children explore making different sounds with their voices. Encourage them to use content vocabulary to describe the sounds.

Explore Together (indoors): Follow Along

Play a recoding of rhythmic instrumental music with a strong beat. Tap the rhythm and have children follow you.

Explore Together (indoors): More Shake and Listen

Have children predict which objects make the loudest sounds. Facilitate children’s explorations.

Explore Together (indoors): Mystery Shakers

Have children make shakers with different materials. Then have them listening to the shaker sounds and guess what object is inside making the sound.

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