- Arts (6)
- Letters & Letter Sounds
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- Music & Dance (1)
- Playing (2)
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- Talking & Listening (22)
- Writing (2)
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Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Ee”) and Word (engine)
Use the “Target Letter and Word” routine to introduce children to the letter “Ee” and word (engine).
Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Hh”) and Word (hill)
Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Hh” and the word hill.
Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Uu”) and Word (up) #1
Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Uu” and the word up.
Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Zz”) and Word (zoom)
Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Zz” and the word zoom.
Learn About Letters Together: Target Letters (“Dd,” “Ee”) and Words (down, engine)
Reinforce recognition of the letters “Dd” and “Ee” and the words down and engine by having children hunt for them in the room.
Learn About Sounds Together: Letter Sound (/e/)
Have children listen for words that begin with the letter sound /e/. Encourage children to generate words.
Letter Shape (“Uu”)
Shape pipe cleaners or roll “snakes” from strips of clay to form the letter “Uu.” Have children use the materials to form the letter “Uu.”
Letter Shaping (“Dd” and “Ee”)
Trace over both the lowercase and uppercase “Dd” and “Ee” to show children how to form the letters. Then have children form their own letters.
Letter Shaping (“Hh”)
Shape pipe cleaners or roll “snakes” from strips of clay to form the letter “Hh.” Have children use the materials to form the letter “Hh.”
Review the Week Together: Unit 5, Week 4
Review ramps, trackways, and obstacles explrations and the letter “Hh,” letter sound /h/, and the word hill
Sing Together: “Alphabet Hokey Pokey” #2
Children move their “Dd” or “Ee” letter card in and out of the circle as they sing the "Alphabet Hokey Pokey" song.
The Zany Zoo
Children dig for zany zoo animals. They identify the animals that begin with the letter “Z” and return them to The Zany Zoo.
Watch Together: “Doo Wop (short e)” (BTL clip)
Play the video clip Between the Lions “Doo Wop (short e)" and point out that the singers are using the letter sound /e/ to make music.
Watch Together: “Get Your Mouth Moving (u)” (BTL clip)
Play the video Between the Lions “Get Your Mouth Moving (u).” Tell children to look for the letter “Uu” and listen for the /u/ sound in the words that appear on the screen.
Watch Together: “Hung Up on ‘h’” (BTL clip)
Watch the video clip Between the Lions “Hung Up on ‘h’” and have children say the /h/ sound whenever they hear the letter sound.
Watch Together: “What’s Your Name? (e)” (BTL clip)
Play the video clip Between the Lions “What’s Your Name?” Have children look for the letter “Ee” on the screen.
Watch Together: “What’s Your Name? (/u/)” #1 (BTL clip)
Play a Between the Lions video about the letter "U" as children listen to how many names have the letter “Uu” in them.
Watch Together: “Word Morph: zero–zebra–zinnia” (BTL clip)
Watch a Between the Lions video clip about the letter “z” and pause after each word so children can repeat the word and identify the letter “z.”
Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘h’” (BTL clip)
Review /h/ by saying the word hill and emphasizing the beginning /h/ sound before watching Between the Lions “Words Beginning with ‘h.’”
Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘z’” (BTL clip)
Ask children to listen for the word zero in the video. After children watch the video, talk about the /z/ sound in words.