- 12-24 Months
- 22-33 Months (8)
Found 8 results.
All About ME
Make each child a “Book About ME” with family photos and magazine pictures of favorite things. Encourage family members to read the book with their child.
Color Mix
Playing with paints is a great way to let your toddler express herself, experiment, and have fun.
Different Ways to Play
Help children master new skills, remember new ideas, and investigate the world. Find opportunities to include new concepts, ideas, and words in their play in different ways.
Music Makers
Hum, sing, whistle—what other ways can you make music? Try simple, homemade instruments, too!
Painting and Writing Fun
Give toddlers various tools to explore for drawing, painting, and writing to help them build pre-writing muscles and skills.
Play Write
Make writing part of your toddler’s pretend games, from make-believe shopping lists to party invitations.
Puppet Play
Puppets are wonderful toys for building your toddler’s talking and listening skills—and playing with puppets is a great excuse to get silly!
Help your toddler draw his own, life-sized self-portrait!