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Bathtub Science
Have your child explore water at bath time with plastic containers of different shapes and sizes.
Draw and Write Together: It Floats! It Sinks!
Have children draw a picture of their favorite object from “Fish Museum.” Help them dictate or write a caption about if the object floats or sinks.
Draw and Write Together: Make a Graph #2
Make a graph of children’s results from the measuring activity.
Draw and Write Together: Our Water Story
Have children create a story together about a trip on the ocean in a boat.
Draw and Write Together: “The River”
Read the poem “The River.” Have children draw a picture of how they imagined the river flowed down the mountain.
Draw and Write Together: Water Poetry
Help children write or dictate a poem about water using the template provided.
Draw and Write Together: What Clothes Absorb Water?
Have children identify clothing articles that absorb water and dictate or write a caption about it.
Learn About Letters Together: A–Z Letter Hunt
Hide the letters from “Aa” to “Zz” for children to find. Have each child present his or her letter(s) and match them to the alphabet chart.
Learn About Letters Together: Letter (“Ww”) and Word (water) Hunt
Have children hunt for the hidden letters “w,” “a,” “t,” “e,” and “r” in the room. Make the word water once all the letters are found.
Learn About Letters Together: Tracing (“Rr”)
Help children practice writing the letter “Rr.”
Play Together: Bear, Bear, Fish!
Play a game of Duck, Duck Goose, but change the words to Bear, Bear, Fish.
Play Together: “Fish Swish” #1 (PEEP game)
Children play the Peep and the Big Wide World interactive game “Fish Swish” and count how many balloons Quack needs for his friends.
Play Together: Laundry Hat Toss
Have children find hats that go in the laundry and absorb water. Allow them to toss the hats into a laundry basket.
Play Together: Over, Under, Around, and Through
Play the game to build children’s vocabulary to discuss moving water.
Play Together: Sink or Float Musical Chairs
Stop the music and have children sit on a chair. Have them grab a ball from under their chair and test whether it will sink or float.
Read Together: A Cool Drink of Water #1
Review how all living things need water and then read the book with children.
Read Together: A Cool Drink of Water #2
Reread the book and have children look for the different objects people use to make water move.
Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 9, Week 1
Choose a book about water to read to children. Ask them to identify how water moves and changes direction in the story.
Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 9, Week 2
Read a story or concept book about water. Make connections between the book and children’s own explorations with water.
Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 9, Week 4
Read a favorite story or concept book about water. Make connections to children’s explorations with water.