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Abiyoyo Puppets
Help children make their own Abiyoyo puppets. Model how to draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth on a small paper bag or paper plate.
Build a Garden
Have children build a block garden using craft foam as the dirt, blocks for a wall, and plastic flowers.
Build a Library
Encourage children to use blocks to build things they might find in a library.
Class Band T-shirt
Invite children to make suggestions for a band name. Have them dictate their suggestion and write it on a construction paper t-shirt. Have children decorate the shirt.
Color Strip Match
Play a color matching game with your child as you explore colors and shades and tints of colors together.
Colored Pencil Night Drawings
Show children the illustration of the raccoon and her babies in Night in the Country. Encourage children to draw a night scene using colored pencils.
Colored Water Drop Design
Have children create water drop designs by letting colored water drops flow down a ramp.
Draw and Write Together: Abiyoyo the Giant
Have children dictate or write words that describe how they think the giant Abiyoyo sounds when he sings, talks, or walks.
Draw and Write Together: Animal Sound Parade
Show magazine pictures of animals to children. Ask them to name the animals, then sort the sounds each make on a two-column chart titled “Loud/Soft.”
Draw and Write Together: City Sounds
Create a number chart with children by using the illustrations and text from City Lullaby. Include the numbers, the noise makers, and the descriptive sound words.
Draw and Write Together: Favorite Sounds
Have children draw a picture that shows the object that makes their favorite sound. Have them complete sentence frames to identify the sound.
Draw and Write Together: It’s a Whatchamacallit
Have children generate rhyme words as they dictate or write to complete the poem “It’s a Whatchamacallit.”
Draw and Write Together: My Garden
Have children draw a garden. Have them write or dictate what their plants need.
Draw and Write Together: My Kitchen
Explain how spices come from plants. Have children draw, write, or dictate a window box with plants they would want in their kitchen window.
Draw and Write Together: Noisy and Quiet
Talk about noisy places and quiet places. Have children draw themselves in one of these places and help them write a sentence for the drawing.
Draw and Write Together: Retell The Three Little Javelinas
Have children use puppets to retell the story.
Draw and Write Together: Sound Book
Have children collectively make a number book of sounds modeled on the book City Lullaby. Keep the book in the Writing Center for children to view.
Draw and Write Together: Sources of Sounds
Review the “Sounds We Hear” chart with children. Encourage children to share what they have learned about sound. Record any new ideas on the chart.
Draw and Write Together: The Seasons of the Year
Discuss characteristics of seasons. Have children draw pictures of the different seasons outdoors and dictate or label the correct season for each picture.
Draw and Write Together: Updating Our Science Notebooks
Have children draw a picture in their science notebooks and dictate an entry to go with the picture.