Found 13 results.
Captain Baby
Help your baby see the world from a new perspective when you play “airplane.” Ready, set, take off!
Color Games
Colors are everywhere. Play simple games to help your child recognize the colors she sees around her every day.
Colors and Clothes
As your child gets dressed in the morning, talk about the colors in his clothes and let him choose a color to wear.
Everyday Toys
Toys don’t have to be fancy or store-bought to bring hours of entertainment for your toddler.
Finger Play
Try these fun songs as you move your hands to go with the words
Let’s Pretend
Playing pretend games is a great way to learn and practice new words with your toddler.
Move to the Groove
Music is a great way to get your baby moving and sets the stage for later fitness.
Playing Peek-a-Boo is not only fun, but helps your baby make an exciting discovery: things are still there when she can’t see them!
Plants Here and There
Point out different environments plants grow in when you are out and about—such as in the park, by a pond, or in the woods.
Play Write
Make writing part of your toddler’s pretend games, from make-believe shopping lists to party invitations.
Sort It Out
Sorting by color, size, texture, or any other category helps your toddler learn how things are alike or different.
Sound Box
Explore and create sounds with your child while using everyday objects.
Talk It Up
What does your baby respond to? Talk about his favorite toy or whatever grabs her attention.