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Draw and Write Together: “Our Bean Seeds” Chart
Have children dictate or write to record observations as children’s plants grow.
Explore Together (indoors): Different Bulbs
Explore different types of bulbs. Have children record observations.
Explore Together (indoors): Grass Seeds
Have children plant grass seeds and record changes in previously planted seeds.
Explore Together (indoors): How Did It Grow?
Have children observe, record, and discuss the changes in the seeds and bulbs they planted.
Explore Together (indoors): Introduce Seeds
Have children observe, compare, and sort seeds into different categories.
Explore Together (indoors): Look Inside Fruits
Examine the seeds in three different fruits. Encourage children to draw, write, or dictate their observations to compare the seeds.
Explore Together (indoors): Measuring Plants
Measure plants using nonstandard measurement tools and have children record their measurements.
Explore Together (indoors): More Measuring Plants
Have children measure the plants and compare their results to the measurements they took in earlier weeks.
Explore Together (indoors): More Plant and Soil Changes
Have the groups switch areas so children explore both the worm habitat and their plants.
Explore Together (indoors): Our Growing Seeds and Bulbs
Have children observe their growing plants. Instruct them to use their science notebooks to draw their plants.
Explore Together (indoors): Plant and Soil Changes
Determine two groups to have children explore the worm habitat or their plants with magnifying lenses.
Explore Together (indoors): Record Plant Changes
Explore the seeds and bulbs children planted last week. Have them record changes they see in the growing plants.
Explore Together (outdoors): Indoor and Outdoor Plants
Have children make connections between the indoor and outdoor plants and continue to compare the parts of plants.
Explore Together (outdoors): Keep on Growing!
Help children repot their plants in a larger container or an outside garden.
Explore Together (outdoors): More Soil Exploration
Have children work in groups as they continue to explore outdoor plants and soil.
Explore Together (outdoors): Outdoor Plant Parts
Take children outdoors to observe plant parts and draw their observations in their science notebooks.
Explore Together (outdoors): Outdoor Plant Walk
Discuss how to treat outdoor plants with care. Go outside and observe plants in their environment.
Explore Together (outdoors): Plant Environment
Take children outside to explore soil in different areas and to compare tree roots and plants’ roots.
Explore Together (outdoors): Plants on the Ground #1
Collect plant parts that have fallen to the ground. Have children use magnifying lenses to explore plant parts.
Explore Together (outdoors): Underground Environment
Have children investigate the soil outside and collect things in it they want to share with others.